Norges Fremtid
Animation/ Compositing
I worked for Tundra* to help create this title sequence for a new Norwegian TV series where a handful of hopeful young talents get personal coaching by Petter Northug, the best cross country skier in the world.
Tv title sequence we produced for the Norwegian TV series Norges Fremtid featuring the skiier Petter Northug. De drømmer om å bli best. De har spurt den beste om råd. Og nå skal han svare dem. Et knippe unge talenter, gutter og jenter, er plukket ut for å få coaching av Petter Northug. De vil så gjerne vite hva de må gjøre for å bli bedre, for å bli best. Petter gir dem svarene, og følger dem opp gjennom sesongen.
I worked for Tundra* to help create this title sequence for a new Norwegian TV series where a handful of hopeful young talents get personal coaching by Petter Northug, the best cross country skier in the world.